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Hair needs water to maintain its elasticity (the ability to stretch) without water hair snaps off and breaks! Water penetrates the hair shaft going deep into the hair cuticle connecting to other water molecules. Since water is the ultimate moisturizer, its best to spritz hair with water and/or use water based leave-in conditioners and creams. After you have applied a water based leave-in then you seal in the moisture using an oil. 

Regular Trims

When your hair is just dry, even excessively so, you can work to get the moisture back in it.

It may take a while (at least several weeks), but it can be done. Damage, however, is completely different. Once hair is fried past the point of no return, there really is no return to healthy hair. The only solution is to cut off the damaged hair. This can be painful to hear if you really want your hair to grow longer, but long hair that's damaged won't do anything for your look. Instead, just get rid of the damaged ends, start over and vow not to repeat the same mistakes.

The Hair Cycle

On average each strand grows about a half inch in a month. But hair doesn’t grow like that nonstop; it grows in cycles. At any given moment, about 85 percent of follicles are in the anagen (growing) phase. The rest of the follicles are in either the catagen (transitioning) phase or the telogen (resting) phase. For some lucky individuals, the growing phase lasts as long as seven years; for others, it’s as little as two. At the end of this stage, the strand falls out, and its follicle remains dormant and hairless for about three months. After that a sprig of hair finally sprouts, and the growth process starts again. “If your hair never gets past your shoulders, chances are, you have a shorter anagen cycle than others do,” says Francesca Fusco, a dermatologist in New York City.

Eating Healthy 

A healthy diet can help your hair stay strong and shiny. What you eat can also keep you from losing your locks. If you’re not getting certain nutrients from food, you might see the effects in your hair.

Essential fatty acids, especially omega-3s, play a key role in the health of your skin, hair, and nails. You should eat some of these foods, which are rich in omega-3, every day:

Salmon, tuna, mackerel, and other fatty fish

Flaxseed oil

Walnuts and almonds

Vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid are also important to your hair. Vegetarians and vegans often don't get enough of them.

Foods with B6 include bananas, potatoes (both white and sweet), and spinach. Major sources of B12 include meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products.

You can get folic acid with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and tomatoes. Whole-grain and fortified-grain products, beans, and lentils also have it.

Protein is also critical for keeping your hair healthy, but many people don't get enough. Lean meats like fish and chicken, eggs, and soy products are good sources. Eat one serving every day.

Because trace minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc, and biotin also affect hair, it's a good idea to take a daily multivitamin.

The right foods can be really good for your 'do, but hair loss has many causes. Sometimes, genetic factors like male or female pattern baldness can play a role. Thyroid disease, anemia, autoimmune diseases, and hormone issues may also cause changes or loss of hair. 

Heat Damage

Our stands consist of bonds that give our hair its natural texture. After being exposed to too much heat, those bonds tend to break, and unfortunately, you cannot revert them to normal. This type of damage usually occurs when you’re using styling tools at a high setting and applying heat quite often.

When you expose your hair to direct heat, it strips your strands of their cuticles. That occurs because the heat removes your hair’s moisture from every layer. Our hair consists of protein bonds that become weakened and permanently reformed as a result of high and excessive heat usage.

Deep Conditioning

Deep conditioning is the process of applying thick conditioner to one’s hair. As compared to regular conditioners, deep conditioner is left longer to penetrate the hair strands and nourish your hair.

Whether your hair is straight or curly, natural or relaxed, deep conditioning treatment should be a part of your regular hair care regimen. Do it once a week and it will help you achieve healthy hair.

Here are 4 reasons why you should incorporate deep conditioning.


Frequent styling, product build up, and chemical treatments will strip moisture from your hair. It can leave your hair dull and lifeless. If your hair has lost its lovely luster, consider a weekly deep conditioning treatment.

The product will help smooth the hair shaft. Hair that is regularly deep conditioned is softer, silkier, and more manageable. It also allows your hair to gain back its natural shine.


Dry and brittle hair is prone to breakage. To prevent breakage, you want to keep your hair hydrated and moisturized. Deep conditioning treatment is one of the best ways to nourish and moisturize your locks. With regular use, it will improve the elasticity of your hair; thus, preventing breakage.


One of the main reasons why our hair becomes dull and unmanageable is due to the lack of moisture. Regular deep conditioning treatment can add moisture to your strands, giving it smoother, shinier, and healthier appearance.

Deep conditioners do not only impart moisture to your hair, but also to your scalp. Dry scalp can cause itching and flakes. Regular deep conditioning treatments can help prevent this problem.


Deep conditioning is crucial in preventing damage. Whether your hair is damaged or you just want to improve the appearance of your hair, incorporating deep conditioning treatment to your hair care routine can be of great help.



“Because of your faith, it will happen."

Matthew 9:29

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